
Showing posts from 2011

Dear Alex, what you CAN do....

Dear Alex, the page has turned...

Dear Alex, something I wrote for you today....

Dear Alex...Another letter, another day, another something gained....

Dear ALex, My gorgeous, AMAZING man....I have your smile back!

Dear all......

Dear Alex, one of my letters to you that you will read one day...

Dear Alex, how emotive, and how true of our situation...I love you, let those memories grow stronger and stronger until they're before your eyes.....x

A video for daddy....from his kids who miss him terribly....x

making waves for alex....

A letter to Monty Buster....

This is for my one and only......

Support and Prayers....

Uncontrollable tears of relief....

My Dilemma...

You were supposed to be coming home...

My heart is torn once again...but in it all, there may be some VERY good news!