My Dilemma...
My dilemma…
Alex can’t sleep. We are told by the Drs that the best means for his
brain to heal is sleep. Today he is frustrated. He has spent another night
having nightmares about people beating him in the head, unable to go back to
sleep, as each time he finally manages to sleep, he is plagued by these violent nightmares.
They check him regularly in Hospital, and from one minute to the next as he
lies there, trying to deal with the pain in his head, trying to sleep, he is
unable, it’s very disturbing in Hospital.
He told me he wants to discharge himself, he’s had enough, for him he
feels he’d be better at home, at least he can shut a door, and have the means
to rest and sleep as and when he needs it. We have been told to expect another
month of him being in and out of sleep, and a month after that recuperating
slowly and then the 3rd month, fully getting back on his feet. In
fact the recuperation period can take up to 6 months.
My dilemma is this, if he’s at home, he is NOT in the best hands, I will
not know what to expect as ‘normal’ when to be over worried, when to rush him
back in if things deteriorate. For me I would prefer him to stay till Friday
(as they’re anticipating) and then I will try and be around as much as
possible. I will obviously take precautions when I am out, get a mobile phone so
he can call me, leave the phone beside him in bed so he can ring me/whoever, if
he needs to, and he will get rest. Thus he feels he will recover more quickly.
And this I understand, but it troubles me.
The clot is still there, and whilst he is still so vulnerable and
fragile, I think he needs to stay as long as possible, I am not even happy
about him coming out Friday if I am honest, as he still seems in a very bad
way. He does have his stronger moments, but he’s not eating. Partly as he finds
the Hospital food repulsive, partly because he's in too much pain, feeling too weak, and partly as he is at the point where he’s had
enough, he needs his home comforts. But I am afraid. I am not a Doctor, how
will I know?
His dad went up to see him tonight, Alex was in a bad way. His dad will stay the night if necessary, as
his head is worse again, a lot worse. The nurses gave him more morphine, and
something to ‘knock him out’. They seem not unduly concerned. But his dad is
staying nonetheless, and I will go as soon as I am free tomorrow.
I want him home, I miss him so, my heart’s racing pace never subsides,
and I expect it will not subside till a scan shows it is finally going in the
right direction. As I repeatedly say, it’s all this waiting. Nothing else
matters. And with no conclusive ‘yes it’s started to be reabsorbed’ proof,
emotionally I am wrecked, tired, wrought, alone.
I have eaten better today, a message from a friend helped me realise I
really do need to eat, despite.
Everyone’s messages have been of great comfort, and in fact I have little
contact with this friend since school, so I was jolted into action, and am trying not
to make any more excuses. I am eating little, mainly rice cakes, bananas,
drinks of soup/tea/milk and a small evening meal. It’s not regular, I never
know where I will be from one minute to the next. I find I am eating out of
duty, it’s a chore, it hurts to swallow, my heart seems to be blocking it’s
descent. But I do know I must.
Everyone’s messages are of optimism and of great comfort, and there are
times when I feel it may be OK, but I struggle to keep myself afloat, I teeter
on a thread. Waiting. Because no one actually can tell me ‘yes, he WILL be fine’,
and that’s all I long to hear…
Life without you by my side is so hard my angel. May God give you rest,
peace and heal you, may you be you, once more, may this time be one of life’s
traumatic lessons, that we both come through together, stronger, closer to God,
to what life is really all about.
I shall not sleep till your dad is home, I need to hear again how you
are, I need constant reassurance. The nausea I feel constantly subsides a little when I know you
finally sleep.
I need to keep writing, pouring out my anxieties, thoughts, doubts, my
hurt, but my eyes burn with tiredness, and my mind finds it hard to focus. I shall
try and rest a bit now till your dad’s here…
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