Thought for the Day. Week 8...
This week I have had a few experiences, the 6th anniversary of my nephew Harry's passing on, being the most poignant....
Today though, I wanted to focus on compassion, as when the search for my cat this week opened up a barrage of abuse from a neighbour in a wheel chair, it got me thinking about this. Trying to explain to the kids was I had decided to read them a story to illustrate my point from my 'Buddha at Bedtime' kids' story book sent to me from my best mate Lena in England (love you lenes...!).
And this is what the Buddha had to say after the story:
"By keeping promises and being kind and forgiving, we make the world a better place for everyone. A wise person shows compassion for others, even when they have been hurt by them."
The kids enjoyed the story, and understood (most of them) the explanation, they at least, stopped crying for a bit!
And thus, you have it, my Thought for the Day. See you tomorrow
Tamsyn x
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