Dear Alex, WOW!

Dear Alex,

Wow! What an amazing response I have had so far with my idea.

I have had the bud of an idea, I have grown it thus far to speak a little about it, my mind whirrs with ideas, thoughts that I will put into action. Writing them as they come to me, I am never without a pad and pen to scribble new bits down, so I do not forget them with all that is going on in my snowstorm of a mind right now!

I have a name 'Making Waves for You'.

I have the basic website, the bones of a structure for content, and I write, I work to fill it out and expand it, develop this bud into a reality.

I am caught up in the process of it all. Fear, excitement, emotions spill over. And yet this incredible positive and proactive tiny idea is reaching, will reach, my reality.

My goal, to create a website where the family and close friends of people who have suffered a head/brain injury can gain support, give and receive hope, gather advice, ask for help.

I am excited!

I am motivated and this is happening more quickly than I ever imagined.

It's collating information, it's designing a comprehensive website, it's thinking on how I will publicise it, raise the awareness, and where I can go with it once it is established.

Yet amongst this all, today, I have hit a wall, however. I am tired, I miss you, and I would change all this to have you back…

Me xxxxxxxxxx


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