Dear Alex, A Midnight Note.

23rd February 2013

Dear Alex,

Precious time and alone cuddles, your face contorts as it usually does, but I stoke it, looking up at you, telling you to relax it, your smile breaks the contortions. You kiss my head.

We listen to music, we lie sofa bound and happy in each others arms.

There's been so much happen this week. News to make me laugh, news to make me cry. People I feel angry with, people that never cease to amaze me and whom I could never do without.

As I type this late at night, Esmie sleeps, arms across me, you sleep now too, I hear the TV as the carer watches it downstairs. Mitzi has now been sick 3 times and I know I'm in for a night of it!

I still don't know what the future holds, I ache for the you that I once had, but adore the you you are now.

Anyway, this is just a little past midnight note to tell you how much I love you, my Alex, my adoring man.

Sleep well, I know here though you do.

And I will kiss you and tell you I love you when you wake,

Me xxxxxxxxxx


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