Dear Alex, seeking advice...
24th July 2012,
Dear Alex,
“When is daddy coming back, mummy?” Big clear blue eyes, tired from a
day in the sun and another late night, look into mine, tired too, for different
reasons. With this question, the veil that drapes precariously on my emotions
surrounding doing our life without you, is tested for it’s sturdiness, and once
again does not withstand the test, my eyes fill with tears and I have to answer
that although you will very much be home one day, we do not know when it will
be. The questions persist ‘well, maybe at Christmas? Or when I’m bigger?’ The
thought and the reality of it not being either of these as she’ll be a lot bigger if the
plan goes as we think for your rehabilitation, tears at me and I have to
swallow deeply and cuddle her, my little Mitzi Joy, and tell her it’ll
definitely be one day, just not that soon…
Being brought up at the moment by just me, I am plagued with anxieties on a daily
basis. I see you need me to be with you, more than I am. I feel, honestly, if I
could be there more, you’d progress better. But I can’t be because we have four
very dependent children. I also have their need of me, their right to me
spending time with them as their mum, and the only one available to bring them
The pressure of this sometimes gets overwhelming. Frightening. All I
know is that I have to dig in as deep as possible, even if I feel I am still
being dragged…
I rang my sister-in-law Jo for some advice today (she works in an area which makes her a font of knowledge on difficulties with kids). With all the
complexities of children’s behaviours for numerous reasons, I turned to her for
some advice. I am anxious that through, in particular Monty’s behaviour, I do
not end up over compensating and excusing everything he does and all his
behaviours that honestly I would not accept if you were here Alex. It’s an easy
trap to fall into. These past few weeks he has been testing, his attitude has
made me pay him lots of attention for the negative ways he is behaving. And as
the girls do not play up in the same way, they are essentially missing out on
attention as I spend much time chastising and lecturing Monty! But I knew I
needed some help. Yes, he’s going through a horrendously tough time, yes, he’ll
be acting in certain ways more so because of this, BUT what I do not want is to
excuse it all on his situation. There’s a point where, I feel, no matter how
you feel or why, or how justified you may feel you are in being the way you
are, that you have to turn it around, take that responsibility and be
reasonable. It may sound like I am asking a lot of an 8-year-old, I’m not
asking him to understand all this, just that he is alright, he’s ok, feeling
what he is feeling, it’s normal, BUT he also needs to take charge of HIMSELF,
that acting out on these feelings is not always alright. I think his age is
also a factor, it’s a normal boy of this age thing to do, so where do I step
in, at what point do I stop overcompensating and letting him be as he is being, which is not how I want to bring him up?!
Jo suggested that I wrote out some things I expected of him and his
behaviour, give him very clear boundaries, and then the consequences when he
doesn’t do these. I feel half of me which just wants to scoop him all up, rock
him in my arms, tell him he can do whatever he wants, I am here for him to take
it all out on, but there’s also a part that strongly wants him to grow up
balanced, responsible and taking control of his own behaviours, owning the fact
he has a choice.
As I explain to him tonight that despite the fact you are not here to
tell him the things I do, that not for one second does it mean you and I are
not at one in our beliefs and values in bringing the kids up, and what my
values are, are yours too. He breaks down at this point, hearing the fact you
aren’t here to do it, I think in a way he’s been testing everything partly out
of feeling lost and angry. Which it’s ok to feel, but not to act on all the time, there's a point at which we have to take responsibility.
I am going to take him in with me one morning hopefully this week to be
with you and me alone. I think this will have a real impact on how he feels around
coming in to see you. Maybe some mummy and daddy time will do him some good.
Our little man, growing up too fast…
Well, you were exhausted today, therapies were nigh on impossible as you
could do hardly a thing. I babble on inanely at you about the nutrition side of
things which is my next project for you, after a friend suggested power shakes
may be a perfect idea for you…watch this space…
I just hope tomorrow will see you more animated…I feel I have missed out on you time when all you do is sleep when I am there.
See you in the morning,
Me xxxxxxxxxxx
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