It turns out he’d escaped and eaten a neighbour's cock. Nasty.
I nipped round to a friend’s house this morning to have slug down a
cuppa and have a quick chat-she’s helping me find work, so it was a ‘time out’
no kids (all at school this morning, yet unguilty moment, as we looked for jobs
for me…the search continues, but I’ll get there, softly softly catchy monkey as
my old English teacher Mrs Gadd used to say. It stuck, and it’s a bizarre, but
handy phrase nonetheless. In all honesty, I do find it difficult not to be
‘doing’ something, I am pretty hard on myself, and rarely let myself just
relax. But in reality, how can you with 4 hungry mouths that remind you (in
emptying the fridge on a practically daily basis) you need 2 incomes to make
life even vaguely possible…
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See what goes through their heads-nasty bastards... |
Esmie screams, begins jumping up and down in what appears to be the
WORST pain she has ever, ever suffered, I run over and discover she has had her
foot stung by a nasty bastard wasp. They really are the epitomy of
nastyarseness. What are they actuallly there for? Stinging us, fine, being
attracted to small defenceless bear foot kids eating sweet stuff, so they can
‘sting. I am NOT alright with this. Bees, bees I am alright with, they make
hiney (well, no they don’t, they make honey, but you know, it’s late) at the
end of the day, they serve a great purpose, and then side of guilt after they
sting just one time. There’s some good karma going on there, they will not come
back as a bee again, a donkey, maybe, but a bee, no, they’re moving up, they’re
cool. Wasps, fookin’ ‘ell, and my poor baby child has been stung by one. I run
with her (me bear foot too, over hard gravel doing the half wincy, half
hopping, half jumpy dance over them. I think quickly, grab the sting
tranquiliser thingy and rub ruby rub. She, however, is not cured, the bloody
thing is not doing its job, then I realise, I had been rubby rub rubbing, with
the lid still on. Nice work mum. Anyway, she survived, a piece of chocolate
took all the pain away, there’s NOTHING chocolate cannot cure depression, mood
swings, stings, grazes…it’s the new homeopathic medicine chez us.
As I am at my friend’s this morning, her neighbour comes in in helpless tears;
we discover the reason why, through her sobs. Her dog escaped an hour and a
half ago, and she had no idea where he was, we are about to ring the nearest
refuge (just in case he’s been ‘handed in’) at this point, THREE police cars
turn up, looking for the owner of a Husky, her dog, 6 police men and women step
out of their vehicles, looking as important as they feel (and my god the police
over here feel important). I do question after whether it was THAT necessary to
have 3 cars and 6 men/women…Really? French law enforcers, is it? I didn’t
question them though, they all had guns…it turns out he’d escaped and eaten a
neighbour's cock. Nasty. But thankfully, the dude was forgiving and said he had
plenty, and not to worry. Just a little anecdote about how the French work.
Good God. Sort it out France.
Well, I had an extremely busy day, fairly productive, the child benefit
people had sent 2 threatening letters telling us if we did not provide a
particular document before a particular date, they were cutting off our
rights…Alright, maybe fair enough had I literally just not done it, but I went
in there IN PERSON 2 months previously to hand it to them, which THEY then
lost, hence the re-demand. I was all ‘militant head’ on, and when I was told to
wait in the queue (approximately 8 thousand people long), I refused, stood my
ground and told them this was the SECOND time I was giving them the document
they asked me for, no way was I waiting, I thrust the piece of paper at him
telling him if they lost it again this time, then be it on their own heads, I
am NOT giving it in again. With that, I leave in a whirlwind, cross, but
feeling empowered, I crushed someone administrative in France, a first (and
probably a last) but I won! This time. The dude was somewhat gobsmacked, and I
am sure his hand was shaking as I thrust the paper at him. Sorry dude *guilt
sets in*.
Right, off to tackle another day, prepare mentally for phone calls
looking for work, and do s*** loads of washing. I hope Wednesday is a good day
for you all, no school today, so Mitzi goes to Gym at 11am too, a fun filled
day shall be had by all!
See you tomorrow,
Tamsyn x *drives to child benefit office, posts dog poo through the
door, that’ll learn ‘em*
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