Thought for the Day. Week 11...
What to talk about? What to talk about…what to talk about….?
I could pick a million and one experiences from this week to draw on…I am sat here now, wondering which to use as my inspiration for today’s Thought For The Day…
I am back, I have made my decision (I think) and am focusing, this week, on loyalty…With that in mind, here is my Thought for The Day, which is, for me, very apt in its ‘sum up’ of this, fairly depressing too! But I am sure you can take what you need to and want to from it…
"Loyalty cannot be too liberally insisted upon. Altruism in nature remains an exception. It poses a puzzle, being in prima facie conflict with the survival of the fittest and most selfish."
PETER BIRKS, Privacy and Loyalty
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