My interview with the Guardian...I have finally been recognised...
Yes, I have been tagged, this time by the most gorgeous Super Amazing Mum, ( )
The idea originated over at Mrs Lister's (another lovely blog) who likes (apparently) to spend her Saturday's eating poached duck eggs (ooo, I could give her a few, when me ducks start laying!) and reading the Guardian in bed (lucky, lucky her). So without further ado, here is my interview with the Guardian.............
Which living person do you most admire, and why?
Oooo, kicks off with a tricky question. Err, Philip Schofield? For saying NO! To man-hair-colouring, and going natural (I really had NO idea...did you?), even though the sudden change was a shock to us all. No OK, not Philip, but it’s tough, there are so many people I admire, for so many different reasons, I admire most people in some way-everyone’s strengths are admirable. So there we go, that’s my decision, I admire you all! I have reflected, since, on this, and there is a lady Jackie Pullenger, who has done unspeakably amazing things for drug addicts in Hong Kong, kids caught up in gangs etc, and much, much, much more. She got on a boat in 1966, with £6, her guitar and the clothes on her back, determined to ‘make a difference’ and boy, she has. She didn’t know where she was going, put her trust in God, and disembarked in Hong Kong, she set up the St Steven’s Society, which you can read about here
When were you happiest?
What was your most embarrassing moment?
When I walked round the Supermarket, after coming back from the beach, not realizing I was parading my front bottom to the local shoppers, skirt tucked into knickers- but the front way round.... Note to self, look in mirror more often.
Aside from property, what’s the most expensive thing you’ve bought?
A Gucci watch, with my first student loan!! I was broke the rest of the year!
What is your most treasured possession?
My photos. All the memories and amazing times we’ve had, especially the kids’ ones. Time flies too quickly, and we forget to take full advantage of every thing going on right now, in front of us, and before we know it, we’ve forgotten to appreciate the moment, and then…the eldest is nearly 8…
Where would you like to live?
Where I am living right now! Maybe Hawaii for a bit though….but it’d have to be in a mansion over looking the sea…so I’ll hold out for a bit…
What’s your favourite smell?
Chocolate cakes cooking in the oven after having spent a few minutes baking them, and the rest of your LIFE clearing up the mess the kids made, and clearing up the kids…
Who would play you in the film of your life?
Marge Simpson would, she’s ace. Although she’d maybe have to bleach her hair…
What is your favourite book?
I have a kiddie story book, Buddha at Bedtime, which my best friend in England sent to me. They are moral stories, which encourage your child to think and hopefully grow up in a respective manner of others, and appreciative of their skills and what they have, how they can be kind and loving and helpful. I love it, it’s so calming, and positive, thanks Lena!
What is your most unappealing habit?
I bite my toenails…no I don’t, I suppose it’s my little tidying obsessions, things vanish, important things..never to be seen again. I ‘tidied’ them, sorry.
What would be your fancy dress costume of choice?
Snow White, she’s so pretty…
What is your earliest memory?
Eating ice cream, and hating it, as it was so cold.
What is your guiltiest pleasure?
Ooo, now that is going to have to be sensored….
What do you owe your parents?
To whom would you most like to say sorry, and why?
Probably a lot of people, so sorry everyone…
What or who is the greatest love of your life?
My kids and my husband.
What does love feel like?
Coming in from a long Winter walk, frozen toes, frozen nose, pulling off your boots and then hubby hoying them in your face then putting your feet in front of a gorgeous warm open fire, with a hot cuppa and digestive biscuit in your hand….to dunk.
What was the best kiss of your life?
My first kiss with my husband, of course!
Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
‘Right, that is IT, everyone, in the car…We are going to Mummysrus to buy you a new mummy…’
What is the worst job you’ve done?
Telesales, good God that was boring as f*ck.
If you could change one thing from your past, what would you change? If you could edit your past, what would you change?
Oooo I really don’t know, the decisions I have made, who I have been, have all brought me here, and I wouldn’t ever want to change that. Although maybe I have done some idiotic things that have offended people, and I am sorry for that, and would edit out that…
What is the closest you’ve come to death?
Errrm, save this for another day, perhaps??
Moving to France and pursuing ‘The Good Life’ for the family (see Alex, our plan's failing, I still have no donkey, goats or sheep…) and my family, that I made all by myself (with a bit of help, it takes two to tango and all that…)
When did you last cry, and why?
Friday night, when school finished for another year (no, not because it was 2 months of kids’ holidays, although…), and my 6-year-old came home devastated that she was going to big school, not in the same class as her 2 best mates, and the fact that my baby is 6. It’s too fast, time. So all of these factors made me weep it up Friday night!
How do you relax?
Reading, walking, painting, making things, writing my b*ll*cks blog, locking myself in my special cupboard (sometimes).
What single thing would improve the quality of your life?
How my body deals with stress…it’s shit at coping-I have had stomach ulcers and all kinds…so yep, that’d definitely help, because where there is kids life, there will always be stress!
What is the most important lesson life has taught you?
To always be aware of how you are being, and work endlessly at yourself, your relationships with people and with God.
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