Dear Alex, An Island in the Sand.

Making a sand toilet on her beach Island today!

Dear Alex,

Kids make Islands in the sand today on a fresh and windy walk on the beach. I try and focus on how blessed I am to have our babies, to be here, to witness their imaginary play, trying hard to usher away the 'on a family walk without you' ending to the sentence...

One of the things which has not benefitted from being in the Intensive Rehab Centre is your speech; in fact it is worse than I have ever heard it. So slurred, incomprehensible.

Perhaps the physical work you have been focussing on has meant it has regressed so much.


Most of your progress, whether you will or whether you won't is all 'perhaps' and 'maybes' and 'possiblies'.

We are never sure whether whatever it is at that moment in time is how you will be forever, whether you will change, go back, recovery, progress is all over the place, no straight line about it.

Now I am clear as to when you will be going back to the other Care Home, I can start to put a plan in place for you, extra Therapies, focussing on Holistic Therapies as well as Physio and Speech.

In China, the first three months after Brain injury the patients there receive Acupuncture daily. It has been proven to be an amazing way of stimulating the nerves in the early stages and re-formulating different pathways for the neurons in a damaged brain. It is shown to at least temporarily stimulate the associated pathways in the brain, over continued treatment for a period of time, patients have witnessed improvements.

This week will be one of planning for your move.

And making plans to find things we can do together as a family. An insect Hotel is my first idea, you can easily get involved with this too, it would be a good family project. Of building something up from scratch, patiently waiting for bug life to hopefully live and nest in the home we will have built them out of wood, scraps, bricks, moss. I am starting to try and find projects we can all do together, working as family, a team, a unit. Especially tactile ones so you can feel what to do.

Because I miss this the most, being a family, a whole, a unit, just us lot.

The day that went was the day I lost myself too.

Me xxxxxxxxxxxxx


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