Dear Alex, A Step Up

20th March 2013

Dear Alex,

Crow clutches twig in its claws, flying determinedly against rain and winds to build a nest for its unborn young. First day of Spring and birds seem to sing their song all day despite the weather, celebrating the start of a new season. A season of new life and hope of renewed colour and beautiful blossoms. A season of movement and life and I love Spring.

Bedtime stories and they cuddle me tight, these beautiful children of ours. I bask in their 'mummy?' Followed by completely inappropriate random question. In their big eyes that burn bright and glisten with enthusiasm and mouths red lipped and various teeth fallen out and bigger teeth that are half grown/fully grown, I lap it all up and recharge my batteries full of 'how blessed I am to have these growing little people' love and gratitude.

The whole day I passed with you, my routine now Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday is spent in the Nursing Home with you, then Friday to Monday you're home where you belong and for 4 whole days everything feels right and how it should be. Yes, OK it throws up other difficulties, but I'd rather those than face the life we were leading when I couldn't even have you home at all.

It must be drawing closer a house for us all, that magical, miracle solution... It has to be.

I'm so encouraged by your banter recently, it seems you have made a step up with your speech and ability to understand and make appropriate and often witty comments! You have one proud wife at the moment and I love you.

I'm so pleased 11 years ago you picked me!

Me xxxxxxxxxxxx


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